- Name, domicile and financial year of the association
- 1.1 The association bears the name "Eritrean Relief & Development Association (ERDA) e.V.
- 1.2 It has its seat in Karlsruhe, C/o Job Maasho, Wolfartsweierer Street 3, 76131 Karlsruhe
- . In addition, registered in the Registration Court of associations in the local court of Mannheim.
- 1.3 The financial year of the association is the calendar year.
- Purpose and aim of the association
- 2.1 The purpose of the association is to be charitable and benevolent in the interests of international understanding and to provide humanitarian assistance to the people in . Eritrea and in refugee camps, without discrimination and regardless of their ethnic origin, religious or political convictions.
- 2.2 The activity of the association is aimed at promoting international sentiment and the idea of international understanding and to deepen tolerance in all areas of culture.
- 2.3 The association faces in particular the following tasks:
- 2.3.1 Sending observers and helpers to Eritrea and in the refugee camps. Education and outreach for the delivery of humanitarian aid to the people in Eritrea and in refugee camps. Supporting the development of Eritrea, by promoting projects that pursue educational, health, development, economic and ecological objectives, with the exception of projects for private or self-interested purposes.
- 2.3.2 The association can become a carrier of projects and necessary facilities. The General Assembly of Members decides on the assumption of the respective sponsorship with a simple majority.
- 2.3.3 The association procures funds for the realization of the tax-privileged purposes of other tax-privileged corporations, which correspond to the objective of the association or welfare tasks.
- 2.4 Membership fees, the collection of donations and public funding finance the purpose of the statutes.
- 2.5 The association pursues exclusively non-profit or benevolent purposes within the meaning of the section "Tax-privileged purposes" of the tax regulations in the respectively valid version. It is also a supporting association within the meaning of § 58 No. 1 AO, which uses its funds to promote the tax-privileged institution(s) mentioned in § 2.3.3 of the statute. The activity of the association is not aimed at obtaining profits. The association is selflessly active; it does not pursue primarily self-economic purposes.
- 2.6 Funds of the association shall be used only for statutory purposes. The members receive in their capacity as members no donations from means of the association. No person may be favored by expenses that are foreign to the purpose of the association or by disproportionately high remuneration
- 2.7 Alle Mitglieder der Organe des Vereins sind ehrenamtlich tätig, soweit diese Satzung keine anders lautende Regelung vorsieht.