In some regions of Eritrea there are some places that are free from the dictatorial influence of the Eritrean regimes. Some of them are the villages of Knin & Kinito. Today, these villages are managed by democratically elected own committees. These self-management committees need any support.

Our mission is to help the self - government committee to carry out its work in health, development and education related projects. Thanks to the Ethiopian government, the children of these villages are allowed to visit an adjacent Ethiopian school. According to this educational program, young children must also have visited kindergardens before starting school.

The first educational project called "The Kindergarten Project", for which we have received a lot of help, thanks to our members, is going well so far. We will report regularly about the ongoing work.

The second project is called "ማይ ሰላም Mai Selam - Water of Peace Project" and wants to be implemented. In order to ensure the health of the two villages, the supply of clean water in the villages is to be ensured. For this we found a solution and for these reasons have ordered a well bore which will be completed in the near future. In order to maintain clean water and create a suitable structure for use, we should invest about 15,000 euros.

The Eritrean children in the various refugee camps in Ethiopia urgently need help to shape their future better. In addition to food and health, they need education to reduce the flow of refugees and to get a chance at all in a dictatorship-free Eritrea. That is why our further plan is to support the elementary school project in the refugee camps as an elementary school project. We also plan to build one in the two villages Kinito & Kinin. These schools need a lot of teaching material, enough teaching space, and sufficient teachers to make the schools work well.

However, we can only achieve this with your help, so we sincerely appeal to your further help.